A sample of Jim Bob’s style

Are you looking for an Education Speaker and Trainer who instantly connects with your staff…and delivers value? Whether it’s Jim Bob’s Keynote or one of his full day trainings, teachers leave with practical, application based tools to add to their tool-belt and start to use the very next day!

Keynote 1 – If not now, then when?

This is a motivating, inspiring, and entertaining with an emphasis on making a connection with kids and calming the classroom

The biggest unchallenged assumption by many today about education is that kids are coming to school willing and ready to learn. As educators, we know this is not the case. We have a generation of kids coming to our schools basically un-socialized. Many students are learning behavior from television sitcoms, MTV, and a myriad of other influences. There’s not much we can do from 4:00 PM until 8:00 AM but there is a lot we can do from 8:00 AM until 4:00 PM.

Keynote 2 – Avoid the traps that turn your students off!

Motivating, inspiring, and entertaining with an emphasis on getting rid of the “one-size fits all” approach.

Students come into our classrooms and schools with different backgrounds and cultures and their cognitive abilities, assets and experiences are just as wide ranging. Sometimes the only thing students have in common is their age! Fair does always mean equal – sometimes we need to go an extra step for a student. When one lesson resonates with one student but not with another, we owe it to that student to offer the learning in many different approaches to help them receive it in their strengths and abilities.

Keynote 3 – Educators have the most important job in America!

Educators may not have a lot of influence from 4:00 in the afternoon until 7:00 the next morning but there is a lot they can do from 7:00 in the morning until 4:00 in the afternoon!”

Jim Bob not only believes that educators have the most important job in America but also the toughest job in America! In his 20 years of speaking to educators, he has certainly seen the challenges in today’s classroom increase. Jim Bob shares how one of his teachers permanently impacted his life. He believes all teachers can and must have a positive impact on all students. He believes Madeline Hunter was ahead of her time when she said, “Kids don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care!” She said it 40 years ago and it rings more true today than ever.